2023: Positive Input Ventilation Provides Relief for Hay Fever Sufferers

2023: Positive Input Ventilation Provides Relief for Hay Fever Sufferers

Hay fever can be a real nuisance for those who suffer from it. Sneezing, runny nose, and itchy eyes can make it difficult to enjoy the outdoors. But what if there was a solution that could help alleviate these symptoms? Enter positive input ventilation.

What is Positive Input Ventilation?

Positive input ventilation, or PIV, is a system that brings fresh air into a building while simultaneously removing stale air. This can be particularly helpful for hay fever sufferers, as it can help to reduce the amount of pollen and other allergens in the air.

How Does PIV Work?

The system works by drawing in fresh air from outside and filtering it before distributing it throughout the building. This helps to remove any pollen or other allergens that may be present in the air. Additionally, PIV can help to reduce humidity levels, which can also be a trigger for hay fever symptoms.

The Benefits of PIV for Hay Fever Relief

There are many benefits to using PIV for hay fever relief. Not only can it help to reduce symptoms, but it can also improve indoor air quality and reduce the risk of mould and dampness. Additionally, PIV is a cost-effective solution that requires minimal maintenance.

Investing in a PIV System

If you're a hay fever sufferer, consider investing in a PIV system to help alleviate your symptoms. With the right ventilation solution, you can say goodbye to allergies and enjoy the outdoors once again.

Other Ways to Reduce Hay Fever Symptoms

While PIV can be a helpful solution for hay fever sufferers, there are other ways to reduce symptoms as well. Here are a few tips:

  1. Keep windows and doors closed: During peak pollen season, it's best to keep windows and doors closed to prevent pollen from entering your home. If you need to open a window, do so in the early morning or late evening when pollen counts are lower.

  2. Use an air purifier: An air purifier can help to remove allergens from the air, including pollen. Look for a purifier with a HEPA filter, which can capture even the smallest particles.

  3. Wash bedding frequently: Pollen can cling to bedding, so it's important to wash sheets and pillowcases frequently during peak pollen season. Use hot water to kill any allergens.

  4. Avoid outdoor activities during peak pollen season: If possible, avoid spending time outdoors during peak pollen season. If you do need to go outside, wear a mask to help filter out allergens.

  5. Consider allergy shots: Allergy shots, also known as immunotherapy, can help to reduce hay fever symptoms over time. Talk to your doctor to see if this is a good option for you.


Hay fever can be a frustrating condition, but there are solutions available to help alleviate symptoms. Positive input ventilation is one such solution that can help to reduce the amount of pollen and other allergens in the air. Consider investing in a PIV system to improve your indoor air quality and reduce hay fever symptoms.

Call to Action

Ready to give your property the care it deserves? Book your PIV system installation with Assured Eco Systems today. Visit our services page to learn more.

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